Key components of the program include:

  • CDC-approved curriculum with lessons, handouts, and other resources to help you make healthy changes.
  • A lifestyle coach, specially trained to lead the program, to help you learn new skills, encourage you to set and meet goals, and keep you motivated. The coach will also facilitate discussions and help make the program fun and engaging.
  • A support group of people with similar goals and challenges. Together, you can share ideas, celebrate successes, and work to overcome obstacles. In some programs, the participants stay in touch with each other during the week. It may be easier to make changes when you’re working as a group than doing it on your own.

All CDC-recognized lifestyle change programs follow a CDC-approved curriculum and discuss the same topics over the year. But, your lifestyle coach will adapt the sessions to match your group’s background, interests, and needs.

For instance, your lifestyle coach may:

  • Show you how to prepare healthy versions of popular local or ethnic foods and ask for ideas from group members
  • Provide tips for eating healthy during cultural holidays or events
  • Share fun local events that can help you be physically active
  • Give you handouts to address your specific concerns

There’s also a Spanish-language curriculum, so some programs are offered completely in Spanish.