Statewide Partnerships in Oregon

OWN partnerships support and enhance social services throughout the state of Oregon. These services include, but are not limited to home delivered meals, case management, in-home care, fall prevention services, diabetes prevention and chronic disease self-management education.

As a network hub we utilize a centralized, coordinated model for service by incorporating uniform practices for recruitment, referral, enrollment, marketing, quality assurance, and evaluation. This allows OWN to do the following:

  • Deliver a broader scope of social determinants of health services such as self-management education programs and fall prevention programs

  • Reach more diverse consumers and populations
  • Build stronger administrative infrastructures
  • Capitalize on economies of scale
  • Provide expanded regional/statewide coverage
  • Offer one-stop contracting for multiple services with payors
  • Expand quality improvement initiatives and successes broadly
blue square outline box with quote in middle

Statewide Partnerships

OWN partnerships support and enhance social services throughout the state of Oregon. These services include, but are not limited to home delivered meals, case management, in-home care, fall prevention services, diabetes prevention and chronic disease self-management education.

blue square outline box with quote in middle

As a network hub we utilize a centralized, coordinated model for service by incorporating uniform practices for recruitment, referral, enrollment, marketing, quality assurance, and evaluation. This allows OWN to do the following:

  • Deliver a broader scope of social determinants of health services such as self-management education programs and fall prevention programs

  • Reach more diverse consumers and populations
  • Build stronger administrative infrastructures
  • Capitalize on economies of scale
  • Provide expanded regional/statewide coverage
  • Offer one-stop contracting for multiple services with payors
  • Expand quality improvement initiatives and successes broadly

Statewide Partnerships

blue square outline box with quote in middle

OWN partnerships support and enhance social services throughout the state of Oregon. These services include, but are not limited to home delivered meals, case management, in-home care, fall prevention services, diabetes prevention and chronic disease self-management education.

As a network hub we utilize a centralized, coordinated model for service by incorporating uniform practices for recruitment, referral, enrollment, marketing, quality assurance, and evaluation. This allows OWN to do the following:

  • Deliver a broader scope of social determinants of health services such as self-management education programs and fall prevention programs

  • Reach more diverse consumers and populations
  • Build stronger administrative infrastructures
  • Capitalize on economies of scale
  • Provide expanded regional/statewide coverage
  • Offer one-stop contracting for multiple services with payors
  • Expand quality improvement initiatives and successes broadly

Oregon Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities Service Areas

The 16 Oregon Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities (AAAs), advocate for older adults and people with disabilities in their areas and are leading voices for these community members. In addition to offering wellness programs and services, the AAAs work to protect the independence, dignity, choice and safety for the Oregonians they serve.

map with the 16 Oregon Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities

Oregon Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities Service Areas

The 16 Oregon Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities (AAAs), advocate for older adults and people with disabilities in their areas and are leading voices for these community members. In addition to offering wellness programs and services, the AAAs work to protect the independence, dignity, choice and safety for the Oregonians they serve.

map with the 16 Oregon Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities